Should we say much about it? Not really. We gambled for a cheaper holiday and now know it can back fire. Three Corners Fayrouz is loved by many, but not our place to be! We therefore very thankfull that after some discussions, some phone calls and a little funding we ended up in the Crown Plaza Sahara Sands. Really super!
It is already noon the next day when all is arranged and we have really moved: holidays can begin - jippie. [Thanks to Laura, Kate and Justin from Neckermann and Patrick from TCF]

October 3rd - Extra Divers
It was nice to meet again with Tino and Nina when signing in. Wide smiles and dive enthousiast - as it should. Tomorrow we will start with a House Reef dive. Just the two of us // and no mask hastle //.
October 4th - Conditioner
After a wonderfull early morning breakfast, we packed our diving gear, called reception and had a quick clubcart ride to the Dive Shop. As we didn't had the shop tour yesterday, it was a little chaotic getting all gear together and set-up. But a quarter of an hour later already we were on the back of another clubcart towards the House Reef. "Where do you want to dive?". As yes, they have several entries. We opted for the last one - at the Crown Plaza, to exit at the next one - at the Intercontinental.
Petra had some trouble descending. Not due to her new suite, making her more buoyant, but she had issues clearing her ears. Once we were down, the House Reef showed to be beautiful - just as Tina reminded us of before leaving the shop. And ... all our 'friends' were at home, even a Green Turtle swimming by!

All of a sudden Petra was starting to swim faster - she felt a little nauseous due to the light swell and her new suite. A good thing .. as the exit jetty was further than anticipated.
Jos: 60 [min] / 28.4 [m] | Petra: 59 [min] / 26.9 [m]
Early afternoon. A scream from underneath the shower. I think "O no ..., a flaw discovered in this beautiful hotel?" A cockroach maybe ... ? No .... much worse!!
Petra had forgotten her conditioner. PANIC!
Quickly a clubcart back to Port Ghalib Marina to buy a bottle of conditioner and a Beach Bag (also forgotten). The rest of the afternoon we spend lazy on the beach. Tomorrow we have a boat dive planned .. leave at 8:45.
October 5th - Wind
We are hardly 2 minutes on the boat when the dive guide asks whether we have already been to Marsa Mubarak. "No - why?". Well, that's where we are going. There is simply too much wind to go to another spot, as they lack a bay to park the boat. Also Elphinestone (the other option today) had been cancelled.

The dive spot is okay, but not super. During the 1st dive we pick up one of the 2 German divers. They started off what a buddy team of 3, but had obviously lost eachother. During the 2nd dive we took the lazy appraoch and followed the guide.
Jos: 58 [min] / 21.6 [m] | Petra: 59 [min] / 22 [m]
Jos: 58 [min] / 18.9 [m] | Petra 58 [min] / 17 [m]
Back on the hotel mail from Kate (Neckermann). They had made a mistake, and asked us to pay more. No! It happened to be the upgrade (seafront) we added. Which was cheaper direct from the hotel, so we cancelled the Neckermann request.
After a long stroll over the premases, and a curiosity visit to the Six Sense Spa at the Intercontinental, it was already time for dinner. Tomorrow we planned to search for Dennis ... .
October 6th - Dennis
Today we are heading for Marsa Abu Dabab, on a quest to find the Dugong (nicknamed "Dennis - the Dugong"). As always, we are way too early at the shop. During the waiting we hear Tina explaining to 2 OWD students that much had changed at Marsa Abu Dabab. It's overbuild. A storm destroit part of the reef. And the Dugong has hardly ever been seen for the last 2 years. Why were we going here again ..... ?!
At arrival neither of us reconize where we are. The open space is filled with buidings. At the entrance we get a bracelet - another newish thing according Tina. We decide to follow the guided groupe. Navigating the seagras can be confusing, so this is better.

After seeing about 6 giant Green Turtles (the regulars here), the guide (Hamada) starts to bang and swims away as if there is no tomorrow. Let's follow! Damn, my fin slips off. Petra beats the guide to the dust cloud (he pulls her fin to stop her). The dust cloud is moving and the guide follows it and keeps banging. I switch on the camera when I think I see a tail. OMG ... a Duging!
As the dust cloud clears I can't believe what I see. Two Dugongs! They move away and ascent for air. Leaving us breathless (literal). After a few Guitar Rays a memorable dive had ended.
Back at the Dive Shop our guide asks for a copy of my movie .. he is soo proud (and should)!
Jos: 54 [min] / 13.5 [m] | Petra: 52 [min] / 13.0 [m]
The rest of the day we spend doing little (enjoy the sun, read a book, etc). It's a holiday afterall.
// Finished my "Maarten" a nice magazine //
October 7th - Snorkelboat
At the dive shop it was confirmed what Nino already predicted yesterday. There was only one boat, and it didn't leave for the planned dive spot. On top of that there were 15 snorkelers joining on the boat (predominantly from the TCF). Italians, Berlgians, Dutch and a Swiss couple. So little divers. Next to us only a Swiss girl from Geneva (with a thick English accent). The ride to the chosen spot, Abu Sail, was quite bumpy. But at arriving the boat could be angored at a relatively calm spot. Time to gear up for the 1st dive.

Abu Sail, was, as predicted, a beautiful coral garden. After, again, a good tasting lunch, we started the second dive. Same spot, but the other side of the bay. The dive started with a nice pinnacle, and a little deeper the site was ever nicer than the moring part! After finishing the round with Hamada, we finished our air underneath the boat and emerged last.
We were harldy on the boat when they already started the return. The sea was even rougher than on our departure. Despite of 'magic pil' from Hamada, Petra felt quit sick ... luckily no 'damage'.
Jos: 63 [min] / 27.7 [m] | Petra: 58 [min] / 22 [m]
Jos: 64 [min] / 29.1 [m] | Petra: 63 [min] / 28 [m]
Back at the hotel we had a nice chat with a Dutch couple at the bar. Time to "de-salt" and get ready for dinner. And of course some quick text messages to the home front.
October 8th - Holiday Day
Today, we had planned a lazy day. A Holiday during the Holiday as a way of speaking. As Petra's flipflops were getting dangerous - the sole was coming loose - we 1st bought here a new pair (blue Levi's for 9 euro only).
At the dive shop we are getting ready for a House Reef dive: Crown Plaza - Crown Plaza. So to the North and back. A nice and relaxing dive.

Jos: 58 [min] / 26.5 [m] | Petra: 57 [min] / 26.7 [m]
Back at the dive shop we see the dive scooters and ask Nino for an explanation. We decide to give it a try .... tomorrow afternoon. The rest of the day is a relaxing day. After lunch and a siesta, we spend some time at the beach (I read the 1st 100 pages in my book). At sunset we go for a stroll, via the beach, through the Intercontinental and back. Time for dinner ... a lovely day had ended.
October 9th - Scooter
The day starts a little confusing. Our guide (Kimo) wonders why we want to go to El Egla. It is an hours drive, he has never been there and it is similar to several dive sites much closer. We explain it was the only Mini Bus dive on the plan, so we entered. But honestly, we don't care where we are going as long as it is nice. "No problem, let's go to Haig El Shunee". On arrival it showed we were not the only ones here .... so quickly gear up before the herd gets in. It showed to be beautiful, easy and relaxing dive.
Jos: 61 [min] / 29.0 [m] | Petra: 60 [min] / 26 [m]
A good choice as now we had plenty of time for lunch. After lunch back to the dive shop for the "Adventure of the Day" ... Water Scootering. Everybody was surprised we were going with the 2 of us, without guide. And not without reason - looking back!

As a "Jack in a Box" Mo popped up after about ten minutes. "You are Petra and Jos?" "Okay, I am Mo". Mo explained over water as well as under water how the Scooter needed to be operated - very calm and very good! And off we went, to the South - across the harbour enterance - where normally nobody dives.
This is SUPER FUN. And how beautifull the reef is, and soo much fish, and trutles, and, and .. . We also saw many small blue (box?) gelly fish. Very nice .. need to check the book later what kind.
Jos: 58 [min] / 22.6 [m] | Petra: 57 [min] / 21.1 [m]
And yes ... Scootering. We have to do this again! Really super!
October 10th - Too many Divers
This moring a Mini Bus to Marsa Murena. Next to us "Engelberg (she)" and new French guy are joining. The French first needed to be fitted a suite etc. before we could leave. After a short drive we arrive .... OMG what crowd! The beach was packed with - predominantly Italian - divers. Our guide thinks they will go North.This also what their guide seems to point out. Unfortunately, in the water they went South, like us.
The group in front of seem to have a "who can stir up the most sand competiton". Even the fish, quite used to the mirky waters now and than, seemed to be annoyed. At the turning point I am trying to take some pictures of the Petterson Cleaner Shrimps and an Anemone (owned by a couple of Clown Fish). Constant banging around me. And when I tried to swim further I was almost "helped". Wonder if they saw any of these shrimps?!

Hé, what is that. A boat joining the crowd? When returning it appeared 2 day boats had anchorred in the bay. And one of their tenders was driving up and down the bay, dangerously close to the divers. No, this was not really a good/nice dive.
Jos: 62 [min] / 28.0 [m] | Petra: 62 [min] / 25.9 [m]
Back on the dive shop we made the plan for the next day. Scooter in the mornig, and a House Reef in the afternoon. However, according Tino they were short on guides, so he advised me to give them a call around 5 to get confirmation of the final plan (maybe the other way around).
Now a relaxing afternoon ..... .
October 11th - Room Art
As Nino aready confirmed last night, we could go Scootering! Our guide was Mahmud (the husband of Cora, who now runs Extra Divers in Marsa El Arab, but soon will be the new management in Port Ghalib - as Nino and Tina are leaving for Oman / Extra Divers Al Sawadi). Of course the question if we were interested in a Certificat (130 Euro for the "Course" and 50 Euro for the certificat) or just a Fun Dive (25 Euro). Fun Dive it will be.

The visibility wasn't that good starting, as the boats just left and had stirred up the sand. Further on the water cleared and the reef was again beautiful. Mahmud discovered one after the other turtle. In the afternoon we did, as planned, a House Reef dive. From the Crown Plaza Jetty to the Intercontinental Jetty. The same as our first dive. But as Petra didn't feel well than, she hadn't really enjoyed the dive. This time she did! It was a marvellous and enjoyable dive.
Jos: 58 [min] / 24.7 [m] | Petra: 58 [min] / 24 [m]
Jos: 60 [min] / 18.6 [m] | Petra: 60 [min] / 18 [m]
In the evening we had a nice chat with the Dutch couple. I with him, "Mandemakers" sanitary. Petra with her, Fysiotherapist 6 weeks on sick leave and devorced 6 years ago.
Back at our room we discovered the next piece of art made by our room boy. A peacock this time!!

October 12th - Never again, or ....
Today, finally, we go to Elphinestone! Our last diving day this holiday, and this year. On arrival at the diving shop we were, once again, way too early. Quickly it is getting busy. Divers were arriving from everywhere: TCF, Marina Lodge and Mövenpick El-Quseir). 24 in total! With an hour delay we leave the marina. And as we had already soon on the whether forecast at reception: the wind had returned.
Two hour later we arrived at Elphinestone. We enter the water with the 2nd group (guide is Kimo). Eventhough not all divers from the SEVEN boats were in the water .... it was very crowded. So no sharks to be seen. Just walls of bubbles. At the surface the tender was already full. "We will be back in a minute". More than 20 minutes and many tenders later ("Extra Divers?" "Sorry not my boat") they finally returned to pick us up from the waves. The tender was way too full, and the waves were to high for the tender. At arrival at the boat the water in tender waas knee high.

The 'one hour' safety interval took two hours ... without lunch. Was this the "Must Do" dive I was waiting for?
Jos: 47 [min] / 30.8 [m] | Petra: 46 [min] / 29 [m]
Than the second dive. No negative entry. Not deep. Just enjoy the reef. And yes, than you know you are at maybe the most beautiful reef of Egypte. So full of coral, mainly soft coral. All in all, it still is that "Must Do" dive that completes a diving holiday to Egypte.
Jos: 61 [min] / 21.3 [m] | Petra: 61 [min] / 18 [m]
Finally, lunch! And now 2 hours back to Port Ghalib. The 2011 dive season has ended for us.
October 13th - Seven7Seas
Arranging a late check out was easier than expected. No extra cost, just "Okay, no problem sir". We could sleep in long that morning. No alarm. But still, we wake up quite early (~6 o'clock, the sun was already out, again a beautiful day!). After breakfast to the diveshop. Picking up our gear and settling the bill.
On our way to the dive shop we passed by the biggest, and according many the best, Liveaboard on the Red Sea. The Seven7Seas. The curiosity was obviously written on our faces, as we were asked whether we wanted to have a look around. O boy, what a beautiful and big boat. Same for the rooms. We had many times, between us, decided it was nothing for us. But now, on this big boat, we doubted that 'decision'. One thing is clear. If we ever decide to go for a Liveaboard, it will be this one or similar. Not a cheap boat, with which the marna was fillled .. none of them close to being an option!
Settling the bill. Not so easy when the Credit Card is refused. Back to the hotel to pick up our other Credit Cards - and take our logbooks for stamping! Petra's Master Card was refused as well. "Luckily" my Visa was accepted by the bank dail-in system.
After a morning of relaxing on the beach it was time take shower, pack our bags and pay the $30/day for our upgrade to SeaView. "Thank you. All is okay" was all .... no bill?! Lucky?
Just before leaving for the airport the receptionist jumped on the bus and looked around ..... (?). No, not looking for us. Looking for "Mandemakers". He hadn't returned his towl card (wasn't asked either), and now had to walk all the way to the beach to return the card. Rediculous, but this is Egypt.
With an hour delay we take off. Tomorrow pick up our cats, and than ... weekend.